Problem  Importer Code is not valid

To release the K1, please do the next step:

Please inform to importer that they need to register as company ( ) until get the login start with CO. Please register in FOSIM using company registration. Then, need approval from Admin FOSIM. If Importer already register and did not remember username or password, please email to fosim support ( ).
2. After register as company done, importer need to login as company (login start with CO) and go to Menu > Company Management > Company Importer, then submit importer details. Please fill the importer details based on K1 declaration in custom. Then, need approval from Admin FOSIM. As Importer, login start with IM. (ATTN: K1 in FOSIM system can not be continued if details for Importer registration (Name, ROC No, Address) is not same as K1 declaration in custom. )
3. Then, enter goods details and click button GENERATE.
4. After click button GENERATE, Entry Point will approve K1.
5. After Entry Point approve, the goods can release. (In custom, status still OGA Pending until Step 1 to 4 is complete and Entry Point approve the K1.)

Any problem or enquire, please email to